What do you mean by “Edgy”?

Seattle Edgy Family Portrait Photographer | Seattle Music Photographer

Good point! We can all use the same words, but they may mean different things to different people depending on our experiences. This is why I like to send visual ideas back and forth as well as using our words to describe the vision before a shoot.

When I think of edgy family portraits, what I envision are highly textured images where the background plays a part. I envision a family of individuals, letting their personalities shine through. Your daughter may give an intense glare into the camera, or you may rock those cowboy boots! It doesn’t mean you can’t smile, twirl, or be silly. We’ll have fun with it. You’ll look interesting, powerful, dynamic.

When I think of edgy family portraits, I see a “Hero Shot”, similar to what would go on an album cover or promo piece for a band. Each family member holding their own space in a strong way within the shot.

Your modern and non-traditional edgy family portrait can be created in a studio environment using a textured background and pieces of furniture, it could be on the beach, in the woods, or in the center of the city. There are so many options and we will discuss what fits you best on our initial call.

I often think of one or two of these power images as our main goal for the shoot, and then we go from there. You will get a variety.

What’s your definition of “edgy”?

Ready to chat about your Seattle Family Portrait Session? Reach out!


Edgy | Textured Family Portrait with Album Cover Vibes


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